Remove Google account / FRP on Samsung phones
  • Remove Google account / FRP on Samsung phones

Remove Google account / FRP on Samsung phones

No tax

1 - 12 hrs

If you don't know IMEI number enter 000000000000000

Required Information

Dial *#06# to see your IMEI
  • 15 digits

How to unlock / remove  FRP Google Account activation on your Samsung phone??

Our service will allow you to Bypass / remove FRP or factory reset protection in your Samsung device. Factory Reset protection FRP is a security feature that locks the device when factory reset is performed. You need to enter same Google Account details after factory reset. This keeps the thieves away. But sometimes you need to remove FRP because you forget your Google account, you got phone from your friends or family member. So this solution can help you in this case. Supported are all Samsung models and any software version all security updates. After  unlock you will be able to set new account and configure your phone.

You have to also:

Download and install Samsung drivers - download link

Download USB Redirector  - download link

How to Remove / unlock bypass FRP activation on , remove Google FRP account activation on Samsung phones:

  1. Orders are processing from Monday to Sunday
  2. Reset your Samsung device to default settings ( by recovery mode).
  3. Install Samsung usb drivers
  4. Open USB Redirector software, and knock us on chat





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